Leadership Resources
Resources for developing church leaders.
World Hope Bible Institute (WHBI)
English, Chinese (Simplified)
Reproducible Systematic Theological Training
A 16-Course theological training regimen designed to help those who have no access to theological training in a Seminary style format to have access to systematic theological training. This material has been used on a bi-monthly training schedule and has been very instrumental for training up leaders who can then in-turn, train other leaders in a reproducible fashion. The materials are copyrighted, but NO copyright use fee is required by the organization. For copyright reasons, we are unable to provide the electronic copies directly, but those copies are available upon request. For more information, please contact us at zhenlixiangmu@rightbox.com or you can contact WHBI via Dr. directly at stuarts@whmi.org.
Bible Training Center for Pastors
English, Chinese (Simplified)
Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP
Reproducible Systematic Theological Training Further Explanation: A 12-Course theological training regimen designed to help those who have no access to theological training in a Seminary style format to have access to systematic theological training. This material has been used on a bi-monthly training schedule and has been useful for training up leaders who can then in-turn, train other leaders in a reproducible fashion. The materials are copyrighted and a small copyright use fee is required by the organization. For copyright reasons, we are unable to provide the electronic copies. For more information, please contact Kevin Bacon at kevin@btcp.com.
Family Life
English, Chinese (Simplified)
Various trainings for Marriage and Family
This is a “catch all” category for various trainings and resources that have proven helpful in reproducible leadership development when it comes to marriage and family issues. It is impossible to keep up with the vast marriage and family resources developed by organizations like Focus on the Family (www.focusonthefamily.com) or Family Life (www.familylife.com) and many resources can be purchased from those organizations. For basic family and marriage use, some have been provided for free here. In addition, a study guide was developed by a colleague for the book Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp is contained here within.
Small Group Ministry
English, Chinese (Simplified)
Study series on the basics of small groups.
This 1-Day group training series is designed for use with any church model that utilizes, or plans to utilize, small groups as a part of their ministry strategy. It is usually taught in conjunction with the Healthy Disciple as a tool for practical application, but can also be taught as a stand-alone training. This has been used with traditional churches, Sunday schools, cell groups, traditional house churches and more.
Church Models
Chinese (Simplified)
Tools for different church models.
These study tools are designed to help inform church leaders of how other church models operate and give them the tools necessary to utilize those church models for their context should they so choose. There are limitless resources in the USA for various church models. We don’t endorse any one model, but rather take the approach that the model that best suits a particular location to best expand God’s kingdom is the best model to use.

English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional)
Training series for a church planting/missionary team to enter among their target area/people group well.
The Compass CP Training Session Series focuses on God's word and uses an 8-phase framework for helping to diagnose potential pitfalls in our church planting work. Through this process, we will, together, intentionally focus on Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit to do God's work, God's way as we go and plant churches until everyone has access to the gospel! It comes with video teaching, facilitating and training guides. Be sure to download the planning guides before using the training videos.
English, Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
1-Day Group study and planning series for practical application of God's End Vision for each of us.
This 1-Day training is designed to look to God for His direction and then create a plan that is broken down into six manageable key areas. At the end of the day, each person will have a practical, executable plan for how to do what God has called them to do.
Four Fields
English, Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
Two-Day church planting strategy training. For more information email 4fieldstraining@gmail.com
Two-Day Church planting strategy training. For more information on that particular training, you may email them at: 4fieldstraining@gmail.com.
English, Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
3-Day group study and planning series for practical application of God's End Vision for each of us.
3-Day Follow up training designed to relook to God for His direction and then recreate/modify a plan from NSC1 in the same six manageable key areas. More time is spent on each key area. By the end of the training, each participant has a solid, practical, executable plan for how to do what God has called them to do.
Vision Casting
English, Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
Group study series designed to help Cast God’s End Vision.
The Four-Part Series takes a look at God’s End Vision and begins setting clear expectations of what is expected of us! Part One answers four key questions from God’s word. Part Two provides graphic representations of some of those concepts answered in part one. Part Three analyzes some of the Apostle Paul’s strategies for doing God’s will and Part Four provides more practical application for church leaders.
Healthy Church Diagnostic Tool
English, Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional)
Twelve Characteristics of Healthy Church Diagnostic Tool
This is an automated simple survery that results in a simple diagram that shows the health of a church or group of churches. The strength of this diagram is that it instantly shows where improvements in a church need to be made. All twelve characteristics and questions are biblcially based and can be used for any church model.